UBC Science Co-op Letterhead

Majoring in Computer Science

Minoring in Data Science

3rd Year UBC Student

Technical Skills

Programming Language:

C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Typescript, R, Racket

Frontend Development:

React, Next JS, HTML, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap

Backend Development:

MySQL, Oracle, Express.js, Node


Vercel, Netlify, Cloudflare


UBC Dataset Explorer | Software Engineering

Sep 2023 - Jan 2024

  • Developed a single-page website for querying a comprehensive UBC dataset encompassing campus information, including courses, sections, and building details.
  • Employed TypeScript to build querying logic. Utilized Express.js to create a server hosting the API.
  • Backend Logic includes Parsing Data, Validating Data, Parsing Query, Validating Query, Collecting Query, Aggregating Query Results, Sorting Query Results.
  • Adopted Test Driven Development (TDD) throughout the project to ensure rigorous testing and quality assurance at every stage.

Technologies: TypeScript, React, Express.js, Tailwind CSS

MediaHub | Relational Databases

Sep 2023 - Jan 2024

  • Develop a dynamic online platform to streamline content from various streaming services, enabling users to create personalized watchlists and manage their media library efficiently.
  • Seamless creation, editing, and deletion of media entries tailored to individual user preferences.
  • Ensured data integrity by normalizing the database to the Third Normal Form (3NF).
  • Self-hosted the MySQL database for enhanced control and performance.
  • Implemented TypeScript, React, and Tailwind CSS for the frontend.
  • Connected the SQL database to the frontend via a robust API created with Express.js and Node.

Technologies: MySQL, TypeScript, React, Express.js, Tailwind CSS

Focus Media | Personal Project

June - Present

  • Designed and prototyped using AdobeXD
  • Created using React and Tailwind CSS
  • Packaged and built using Vite. Deployed on Netlify.
  • Currently using project to learn the MERN stack.

Technologies: JavaScript, React, Tailwind CSS, Vite, AdobeXD

Budget App | Software Construction

Aug 2022

  • Allows creation of expenses and incomes, along with sorting via categories. Able to create goals for different categories to stay within your desired budget.
  • Used JUnit for full code-coverage testing in multiple contexts, including a save & load function stored in JSON.
  • Originally created as a command line app; later changed to a visual UI using the Java Swing Library with multiple frames /pages and easy access to move forward and back between them.
  • Designed and implemented in Java using IntelliJ.

Technologies: Java, JUnit, Java Swing Library, JSON

Pulsar Star Classification | Data Science

Apr 2022

  • Analyzed Pulsar Stars from available data to train a classification model to distinguish pulsar and non - pulsar stars.
  • Handled scheduling of 2 other team members with efficient collaboration and delegation of work. Completed within a single week.
  • Designed and implemented in R using Jupyter Notebook

Technologies: R, Jupyter Notebook

Food Inventory App | Game of App

Feb 2020

  • Created an inventory application for both pantry and refrigerated foods to track expiration dates of perishable items and promote less food wastage.
  • Allows creation and editing of new food items using an XML frontend along with handling and storage of data using Java.
  • Designed and implemented in Java using Android Studio.

Technologies: Java, XML, Android Studio

Dress Design Porfolio | Personal Project

Feb 2020

  • Created an online portfolio to display custom clothing designs.
  • Used Bootstrap to create dynamic UI elements, such as slideshows, transitioning text, unique overlay context windows for individual products.
  • Designed to resize UI elements depending on the viewport dimensions using Bootstrap; implements a dynamic navigation pane to collapse for smaller displays.

Technologies: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript

Work Experience

Catering Service Attendant | BC Ferries

May 2023 - Present

  • Tasked with food preparation, inventory stocking, food services, and customer services.
  • Was personally acknowledged for excellent customer service and marine safety by upper management.
  • Certified to handle passenger management in case of emergency.
  • Certified to handle marine emergencies, including evacuation events.

Administrative Assistant | Virk Insurance

Feb 2022 - Feb 2023

  • Tasked with providing aid in common office and insurance tasks and improving overall efficiency.
  • Implemented a strategy to manually file and digitalize three years' worth of client information.
  • Successfully migrated office to a new insurance system (SigXP).
  • Improved office efficiency by digitizing client information.

Key Holder & Sales Associate | Lindt & Sprungli

Dec 2020 - Mar 2022

  • Dealt with a high volume of customers and heightened safety concerns during peak Covid Pandemic.
  • Responsible for daily data entry and customer service, handling 30-40 customers each day.
  • Leveraged in-depth knowledge of the product inventory to provide personalized suggestions.
  • Implemented safety protocols to address the challenges posed by the pandemic.
  • Achieved 100% on the company consumer satisfaction score.


Food Handler Certification | BC Food Safe

May 2023

Serving It Right Certification | Responsible Servide BC

May 2023

LSA, Marine Evacuation Systems | BC Ferries

May 2023

Marine Medical License | Transport Canada

May 2023

Passenger Safety Management Certificate | Transport Canada

May 2023


Bachelor of Science - Majoring in Computer Science | University of British Columbia

Sep 2021 - Present